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Inspiring recipes :

Chocolate desserts


Fabrizio Galla, Italy

Fabrizio Galla

A. 70% Cuba biscuit without flour
B. Pistachio creamy
C. Nut crumble
D. Fried rice spaghetti
E. Soft chocolate and orange creamy
F. Apicot gelè
G. Tahiti vanilla applei
H. 70% Cuba chocolate ice-cream
I. Pistachio crisp

Soft Chocolate and Orange Cream


  • Milk 200 g
  • Orange peel 1

Spill over:

Delicately unite with:

  • Brilliant mounting cream 400 g

Once obtained the soft cream, add the cubic apricot. Spill in the tubes, add the frozen apricot gelè and put in the shock freezer until complete congelation. Once frozen remove from the moulds and put in the fridge, cut, chablonne and put it in the cuba biscuit base, pistachio creamy and nut crumble.

Pistachio Creamy


Mix and spread on the Cuba Biscuit, adding some nut crumble on top when it’s still soft.

Nut Crumble

Incorporate together:

  • Cold butter 100 g
  • Flour 75 g
  • Nut flour 100 g
  • Cassonade sugar 100 g

Spread on the Silpat and bake in oven at 180 °C for almost 15 min. Crumble a the end of baking.

70% Chocolate Ice-cream


  • Sugar 100 g
  • Destrosio 150 g
  • Salt 2 g
  • Neutral 6 g

Mix well the product than freeze it and put it in the paco jet and part it.

Fried Rice Spaghetti


Add and bake for 6 min:

  • Rice spaghetti 200 g

Once baked, cool it. Heat the oil and, once it is hot, fry the spaghetti.

Pistachio Crisp


  • Sugar 90 g
  • Glucosio 90 g
  • Water 10 g

Add when finished baking and cool it:

  • Ginger 5 g

Boil for 5 min the product and, at the end of baking, add the ginger, cool it and spill it in the moulds. Bake in ventilated oven and in the end of baking, add the pistachios.

Tahiti Vanilla Apple

Bake in the an for 7-8 min:

  • Green apples 200 g
  • Water 50 g
  • Liquid brown sugar 200 g
  • Vanilla berry 1

Once baked, put interlaced in the dish.

Cuba Biscuit without Flour

Untie and unite:

Whip apart and unite:

  • Albumen 200g
  • Sugar 65 g
  • Yolk 50 g

Add part of albumen and yolk in the hot amalgam of cuba and butter, next add the remaining albumen.

Apricot Gelè

Make soft and unite:

  • Isinglass 10 g
  • Apricot pulp 500 g

Once obtained the mixture strain it in the tubes and freeze. Once frozen remove from the moulds and put inside the second tube.

Almond Apricot

  • Apricot without water (disidratate) 200 g
  • Saronno almond 200 g

Cut the apricot in cubes and put with the Saronno almond on infusion for 30 min. Drain and put inside the mousse.

Dessert made at the World Chocolate Masters 2005 Finals in France.

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