Dali's Emotion

Hein Geers, Netherlands

Hein Geers
Dali's Emotion

Basil sauce

- bring the water and sugar to the boil and thicken the sauce with the starch.
- finely chop the basil.
- create a smooth paste of the water, the lemon juice, and the basil using a hand blender.
- add the thickened sugar water and mix it.
- pass the sauce through a sieve and let it cool down.

Panna cotta of kumquat

- soak the gelatine in the water.
- boil the cream, the puree, and the sugar.
- dissolve the gelatine in this mixture and pour it into the moulds.

Chocolate mousse

- bring the milk with the vanilla to the boil and dissolve the chocolate and the butter into it.
- mix the meringue and the liquer with the ganache once it is cold.
- pipe the mousse immediately into a dented flexipan.

Raspberry tea granité

- boil all ingredients together for approx. 5 minutes until 8°B is reached.
- pass the liquid through a sieve, put it in the freezer, and frequently stir the mass.

Dessert made at the World Chocolate Masters 2005 Finals in France.