Logo World Chocolate Masters

National Selections :

Participant CVs

Vigfusson, Karl Viggo (°1972) - Kolding, Denmark

Vigfusson, Karl Viggo

Degrees/diplomas attained

1998: Konditor, Ringsted Konditorskole, Ringsted
1997: 'Starting with Chocolate', Callebaut Chocolate Academy, Belgium

Professional experience

now: Pastry Chef, Guldbageren Brandrupdam, Kolding
1999-2000: Selvstaendig, Kakngallery, Island
1998: Konditor, Restaurant Olsen/Konrad, Copenhagen

Awards and competitions

2001: Skothot, Scotland, Silver
2000: IKA 2000, Tyskland, Bronze and Silver


To open new job opportunities and to work more with chocolate

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